Tăriceanu asks Orban Government to drop the emergency decrees on parliamentary elections

Călin Popescu Tăriceanu has asked the Orban Government not to publish the emergency ordinance on parliamentary elections in the Official Monitor. The ALDE leader is unhappy that citizens can vote in parliamentary elections from wherever they would be.


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Tăriceanu asks Orban Government to drop the emergency decrees on parliamentary elections

ALDE leader Călin Popescu Tăriceanu states, in a Facebook post, that the emergency decree regarding the early elections is "a slap to democracy".

"It's a slap in the face of democracy. I would have gone further and said that it is a real attack on democracy if it did not have positive provisions, such as increasing the number of parliamentarians for Romanians living abroad. However, this does not justify in any way the legalization of electoral tourism", Tăriceanu has written, on Facebook.

Moreover, the ALDE leader accuses the Orban Government that through the emergency decree on parliamentary elections they prepare "a great electoral fraud" or doing everything possible to annoy the political parties to go home.

The government adopted earlier this month an emergency decree on organizing parliamentary elections, which also aims at increasing the number of parliamentarians for the diaspora.

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