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Romania Might Increase Scrap Bonus In Car Park Renewal Program

The scrap bonus the Romanian government grants to people who scrap their old cars and buy new ones under the country’s car park renewal program could be further increased this summer if few cars are sold during the first stage of the program, environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Tuesday.
Romania Might Increase Scrap Bonus In Car Park Renewal Program
10 mart. 2009, 16:09, English

"It’s a difficult year, we have to consider that. If out of the first 20,000 cars only about 5,000 are sold, then we might increase the scrap bonus for the next two stages of the program," Nemirschi said in a press conference.

The minister didn’t say how much the scrap bonus could be increased in case of low sales.

The government plans to replace 60,000 old cars through the program this year, compared to 40,000 old cars in 2008. Also, this year’s program includes cars older than ten years, while cars had to be older than 12 years to be accepted into the program last year.

The scrap bonus granted to vehicle owners scrapping their old cars was increased this year to 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2921) from RON3,000 in 2008.

The car park renewal program was assigned a total RON228 million this year and will unfold in three stages.