Romanian Democrat Liberals To Demand Car Tax Cancellation

Publicat: 02 02. 2008, 14:49
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:21

Boc stated that the topics discussed by party leaders addressed the simple motion on the first registration tax, the party’s stance on the CNSAS situation, the introduction of the uninominal voting system, as well as a review of legislative priorities and an analysis regarding the upcoming local elections.

He announced that the party completed the text of the simple motion, called "Cancel the first registration tax," which will be filed with the Chamber of Deputies, and which demands the cancellation of the tax and citizen refunds, without making the citizens take legal action.

Boc mentioned that the arguments for the motion refer to the fact that this tax goes against the EU Treaty, because it introduces levels out of sync with population income, it instates preferential treatment and because it has already been invalidated by Romanian justice.