The confidence motion against the Orban Government will be read in Parliament on Monday

The leader of the PNL deputies Florin Roman announced following the meeting of the Permanent parliamentary Offices that the reading of the motion in Parliament will take place on Monday at 14.00. He said that the whole timetable was not established, a proof of the PSD's lack of seriousness.


Imaginea articolului The confidence motion against the Orban Government will be read in Parliament on Monday

The confidence motion against the Orban Government will be read in Parliament on Monday

"If the PSD treated the subject of the motion seriously, today we were talking about a precise timetable. Reading, debate, vote. Today they have only set the reading day, on Monday, and the proof that the PSD is treating not seriously this motion, it does not rush, it does not want, so we are not talking about the fall of the Orban Government. Today, the Permanent Offices meeting of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate took place. We were notified about the submission of the censorship motion signed by 208 senators and deputies from the PSD and UDMR groups. (...) Monday the date of the debate and vote will be set", PNL deputy leader Florin Roman said Thursday, following the meeting of the Permanent Joint Offices to establish the timing of the censorship motion.

The reason for the censorship motion is to assume the responsibility of the Executive on the draft law that provides for the election of mayors in two rounds.

PSD and UDMR accuse the Executive, in the text of the censorship motion entitled "Orban Government / PNL - privatization of Romanian democracy", of violating democratic principles, by assuming responsibility for the election of mayors in two rounds.

The text of the censorship motion initiated by the PSD and the UDMR calls for respect of democratic principles and criticizes the decision of the Orban Government to assume responsibility for the draft law that provides for the election of mayors in two rounds.

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