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The date of local elections will no longer be set by the Government, but by the Parliament

The Senate has adopted the draft law extending the mayors terms. The terms of the mayors, as well as of the presidents of county councils are extended by a maximum of 6 months from the end of the state of emergency.
The date of local elections will no longer be set by the Government, but by the Parliament

The plenary of the Senate adopted on Wednesday a draft law that stipulates that the terms of local elected officials should be extended by no more than 6 months from the date of termination of the state of emergency.

Also, the date of local elections will be set by Parliament, by organic law, 75 days before the vote. Therefore, the Government will no longer set the election date, as it was in the current legislation.

„Unique article. (1) The current terms of the mayors, the general mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest, the presidents of county councils, the local councils, the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest and the county councils shall be extended by a maximum of 6 months from the date of termination of the state of emergency. (2) The date of the elections will be established by law by the Parliament, under the conditions of paragraph 1”, is shown in the adopted project.

The draft law was initiated by the leaders of PSD, ALDE, Pro Romania and UDMR.

It will be debated and voted on by the Chamber of Deputies, as a decision-making forum.