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- BUCHAREST, (31.03.2020, 14:14)
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Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 23:48, 2 februarie 2025
Three other Romanians abroad confirmed with COVID-19 have died
Three other Romanians in the diaspora, confirmed with the new coronavirus, have died. The number of deaths registered abroad has reached 19 on Tuesday, three more than those reported on Monday by the Strategic Communication Group.
46 viewsThree other Romanians abroad confirmed with COVID-19 have died
According to the GCS, 94 Romanians have been confirmed as infected with COVID-19: 56 in Italy, 14 in France, 7 in Germany, 6 in Spain, 2 in Namibia, 2 in Indonesia, 2 in the UK and one in Tunisia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium and the USA.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic until Tuesday, 19 Romanian citizens abroad, 9 in Italy, 6 in France, 2 in the United Kingdom, one in Germany and one in Spain, have died.
Since the last report, on Monday, three other Romanians have died in the diaspora.
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