Three Quarters Of Romanians Wouldn’t Give Bribe To Get A Job – Poll

Three quarters of Romanians would refuse to bribe anyone to get a job and 17% would be willing to pay to get a job they consider good, according to a poll conducted by recruitment website between March 12 and 17.


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Three Quarters Of Romanians Wouldn’t Give Bribe To Get A Job – Poll

Questions in the poll targeted the employee's opinion on the fairness of the employment process in Romania. The poll revealed 5% of respondents got their latest job by giving bribe and 2% said they got at least one job by giving bribe.

Also, 17.3% of respondents said they would be willing to give bribe to get a good job and only 0.4% said they tried to bribe their way into employment but were turned down.

Most of the respondents, 75.3% said they wouldn't give bribe to get a job.

The poll was conducted online, countrywide, and 1,627 unique visitors filled in the questionnaire.

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