Three Romanian Parliament Candidates Get Communist Police Tag

The Romanian National College for the Study of Securitate Archives CNSAS discovered, in the extraordinary meeting held Friday, two Securitate collaborators and one Securitate officer who are currently running for seats in Parliament.


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Three Romanian Parliament Candidates Get Communist Police Tag

According to a press release issued Friday by CNSAS, the institution’s college approved the findings of the file analyses and decided to take the next step, namely address the court, towards acknowledging the “collaborator” and “officer” status for the three. According to the law, the names of the three people involved cannot be made public before a court decision.

Also in the Friday meeting, CNSAS issued non-collaboration notices for 269 candidates.
The CNSAS spokesperson told MEDIAFAX that a statistic cannot be issued regarding the number of candidates investigated so far, as some of the files are still analyzed while others are still sought in the archives.

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