Half Of Romanians Would Vote For Reintroduction Of Death Penalty – Survey

Publicat: 01 10. 2010, 18:26
Actualizat: 10 04. 2020, 09:47

Of those questioned, 50% said they would vote for the reintroduction of the death penalty, while 42% would vote against it and 1% would not vote at all. The rest answered „I don’t know/No answer.”

Asked whether, in a referendum, they would vote for ethnic Roma involved in illegal activities abroad to be stripped of Romanian citizenship, 55% answered yes, while 32% answered no. On the other hand, 46% said they would vote against the revocation of citizenship of ethnic Hungarians demanding autonomy for Szekely Land, and only 36% said they would vote for such a measure.

According to the survey, 62% of Romanians believe human rights are not respected in their country, while 36% stated they are respected. Questioned whether they agree with democracy, 62% said they „completely agree,” 21% „somewhat agree,” 5% were „somewhat against,” and 10% were „completely against.”

Asked whether the state should ensure equality between people, 70% of those who answered said they „completely agree,” while 19% „somewhat agree”, 5% were „somewhat against,” and 3% were „completely against.” The survey found 58% of those questioned said freedom is the most important, even though it can lead to inequality, while 33% believe that equality between people is more important, even though freedom might be restricted.

Some 83% of the respondents said that, in a democracy, the political system works to the benefit of the rich, while 15% disagreed with this position, and 75% said, in a democracy, the political system does not work, while 21% said the opposite.

Out of the CCSB’s sample, 72% said minorities should conform to the majority, irrespective of the majority’s position, while 23% believe the opposite. According to the survey, some 92% of Romanians would not change their religion, and 63% said they would not consent to someone close changing their religion.

Most Romanians (69%) believe the majority of people who built up wealth in Romania did so by breaking the law, while 17% of those who answered believe this was done using connections.

The study was conducted between September 23 and 28 by CCSB on a sample of 1,017 people, with an error margin of +/- 3.1%