According to the poll, conducted by IMAS for TI-Ro, Romanians felons are not discouraged from breaking the law because punishments are too mild and Romanian legislation has loopholes.
Three quarters of Romanians think harsher punishments and the elimination of loopholes would contribute to a lower crime rate. Nearly half of respondents rejected any type of clemency for people found guilty of a felony.
An astounding majority of nearly 99% of Romanians think people found guilty of murder should have no chance of escaping punishment, while 95.6% of Romanians think the same for rapists and 87.6% for human traffickers.
Over 70% of respondents said prisoners should work while in prison, to pay for their own detention and over half of them said jail terms should not be reduced depending on the prisoner’s work.
Six out of ten Romanians said people convicted for corruption should have no way of escaping jail time, while only 23.9% of respondents said they should be released on parole. Four out of ten Romanians proposed that people guilty of corruption should get prison sentences of five to twenty years, and 9% said corruption should be punishable by life in prison.
Comparing poll results with stipulations of the Criminal and Civil Code and their respective procedure codes, TI-Ro considers many of the values and need expressed by Romania’s population are in contradiction with the options stipulated by politicians.
The poll was conducted at the end of April on 875 people and has an error margin of +/- 3.3%.