Top Anticorruption Body Deputy Chief Resigns Over Disciplinary Warning

The deputy chief of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Marius Iacob, told MEDIAFAX on Tuesday that he resigned the office, after Romania’s Supreme Court admitted a Judicial Inspectorate request to sanction him with a disciplinary warning.


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Top Anticorruption Body Deputy Chief Resigns Over Disciplinary Warning

Iacob specified that he will continue to serve as a prosecutor within DNA.

The magistrate's decision came one day after he received a disciplinary warning regarding the manner in which the agency was represented in its trial with Mihaiela Moraru-Iorga, a former DNA prosecutor who appealed her dismissal from the body.

The action was initiated by the Judicial Inspectorate, who accused Iacob of not respecting guidelines set out by his hierarchical superior in the agency.

The same measure was also applied for DNA prosecutor Carmen Ricu, who was designated by Iacob to represent the agency in the case.

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