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- BUCHAREST, (22.02.2019, 18:46)
- Ionut Preda
Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 10:40, 2 februarie 2025
Top Anticorruption Body Requests General Prosecutor To Decide Competency In Tel Drum Case
Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) officially requested General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar on Friday to decide which body has competency to prosecute the TelDrum case, after the magistrate investigation section (SIIJ) filed several requests to take over the case.
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DNA interim chief prosecutor Calin Nistor also said that a copy of the case was sent to the Supreme Court’s section, following its request.
“There were requests to hand over the case as they thought they had competency, the case prosecutor and myself both appreciated that in this situation DNA had prosecution competency, reason for which we notified the general prosecutor to solve the conflict,” Nistor said while presenting the institution’s 2018 report on Friday.
In the case, ruling party leader and Lower Chamber chairman Liviu Dragnea is under prosecution for abuse of office, establishing a criminal group and embezzling EU funds in relation to the Teleorman County Council – of which he was chairman in between 2000 and 2012 – handing multiple public infrastructure contracts to local company TelDrum.
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