Mobile Op Orange Romania To Cut Roaming Data Transfer Prices By Up To 80%

Publicat: 11 06. 2008, 14:36
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:55

With the option Travel Data Monthly, Orange clients will be able to choose data packs of 10 MB, 25 MB or 60 MB, for EUR20, EUR40 and EUR60 per month respectively, VAT not included.

The second option, Travel Data Daily, will allow clients to transfer up to 60MB of data in 24 hours, for EUR15m, VAT not included.

Subscribers currently have the Roaming Internet option and pay EUR40, EUR70 and EUR160 for data transfers of 10 MB, 20 MB and 50 MB, respectively.

Orange Romania will lower standard roaming data transfer prices both for subscribers and pre-pay car users, as of Jun 16. The new price for preferred networks will be lowered to EUR4/MB from the current EUR5/MB), while for other networks in the European Union the price will be lowered to EUR5/MB from the current EUR6/MB.

Orange Romania is the leading mobile operator on the domestic market with 10.01 million clients reported end-March.