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Interim Romanian Police Chief Suspends Procurement Contract Pending Investigation Completion

The interim chief of Romanian Police, Gheorghi Plai, said Friday that procedures have been unfolded for the suspension of the procurement contract targeting police cars, pending the completion of investigations by the National Anticorruption Department.
Interim Romanian Police Chief Suspends Procurement Contract Pending Investigation Completion
17 oct. 2008, 15:02, English

"The contract can be amiably suspended as well, pending the completion of anticorruption investigations. If we have to pay damage claims, we will," Plai said.
Regarding the conclusions of the Report issued by the Control body within the Ministry of Interior on the public procurement of police cars in leasing, Gheorghi Plai said these conclusions contain irregularities in the unfolding of the purchase, regarding the price and the breaching of minimal requirements in the attribution literature.
Thus, the managing board of the Romanian Police decided to initiate procedures for the suspension of the contract pending the clarification of all aspects signaled to the Anticorruption Department by the Ministry.
The companies that won the auction will be notified of the decisions made by the Police managing board, Plai added. After the completion of investigations, the prices in the contract will be negotiated or the contract might be suspended, Plai said.
Asked if the Police would pay damages if the contract is suspended or terminated, Plai said if damages are compulsory, the institution will pay them.
He also said the Police might be sued by the companies involved in procurement contracts and that the Police will offer its entire support in the unfolding of investigations in the matter.