Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Detain Businessman Investigated In Corruption File

Publicat: 08 04. 2010, 15:11
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:51

Locic was heard Thursday by anticorruption prosecutors, along with businessman Costel Casuneanu and High Court of Justice judge Florin Costiniu, investigated in the same file.

Romania’s High Council of Magistrates gave green light Wednesday to prosecutors’ request to have Costiniu arrested on charges of influence peddling.

Senator Voicu was placed under arrest on March 23 for influence peddling and fraud.

According to prosecutors, Voicu claimed and received RON119,000 in August 2009 from Locic whom he promised to intervene with the police in a criminal case.

The senator also offered to help influential people who had certain interests in files tried by the Bucharest Court and the High Court of Justice, in return for support in acceding to a government position.