Transylvania International Film Festival Held On June 3-12

The tenth annual edition of the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF) will be held this year between June 3 and 12, in Cluj-Napoca, northwestern Romania, according to the festival’s official website.


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Transylvania International Film Festival Held On June 3-12

As in previous years, a selection of films in the festival will be screened later in Sibiu, central Romania, between June 15 and 19.

Online registrations have been opened for the official competition of the festival for the Shadows - Short film section and the Romanian Film Days - Feature and Short film sections.

All films proposed for competition must have been produced after January 1, 2009.

TIFF is the most important film festival held in Romania and previous editions have rejoiced the presence of guests such as Vanessa Redgrave, Catherine Deneuve and Wim Wenders.

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