Treasure Seeker Finds Trove of 500-Year Old Coins in Dambovita County

Publicat: 13 01. 2020, 18:15
Actualizat: 13 01. 2020, 18:17

According to the the Dambovita police, officers accompanied by two archaeologists from the Targoviste Museum Complex went to the site to support representatives from the Dambovita County Culture Directorate in taking possession of the treasure.

“From the first verifications, it appears that the coins are dated between 1500 and 1600 AD and are of Spanish, Romanian, Polish and Turkish origin,” the police notes in a statement.

The source adds that the person who found the trove has a legal permit for using metal detectors.

Authorities also established the fact that the site where the treasure was found is not categorized as an archaeological site.