The plenary meeting is also attended by Prime Minister Emil Boc, Economy Minister Ion Ariton, Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu, Interior Minister Traian Igas, Health Minister Cseke Attila and Labor Minister Ioan Botis.
The no-confidence motion was submitted in Parliament on Thursday and was signed by 185 social democrat, liberal and conservative lawmakers.
Ruling-coalition lawmakers criticized social democrats for not being present in the plenary meeting.
Chamber of Deputies’ vice-president Ioan Oltean said opposition lawmakers want to stall procedures regarding the no-confidence motion they themselves submitted in Parliament.
Democrat liberal deputy Mircea Toader called on the Senate Chairman, social democrat Mircea Geoana, to read out the no-confidence motion.
On Wednesday, the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party submitted a no-confidence motion in Parliament over the wage law for 2011, for which the prime minister also sought lawmakers’ confidence vote. The motion was read out in Parliament Thursday and will be debated on Monday.