„One of the main objectives during my term as minister is to build, through ANL, homes for the about 100,000 young people who have submitted such requests to local public administrations,” Udrea said.
The minister said the required funds would come partly from the sale of already built ANL homes. Through its program to build homes and rent them to young people, ANL constructed around 25,000 apartments by the end of last year.
Udrea said on Tuesday that she had talked with Prime Minister Emil Boc about a project to sell around 9,000 of the ANL homes built so far and use the money to continue developing homes destined to be rented by young people. She said the budget has allotted 186.7 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1721) for this project.
Udrea also said the Government discussed the possibility of selling ANL apartments through the „First Home” program, under which the government offers state guarantee to people taking bank loans to buy their first home.