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Romanians Protests In Bucharest Over Education Min Decision To Cut Back On PE Classes

Romanian parents, students and athletes protest Friday morning in Victoriei square in the center of capital city Bucharest, discontent with the Education Ministry’s decision to lower the weekly number of physical education classes in the pre-university system.
Romanians Protests In Bucharest Over Education Min Decision To Cut Back On PE Classes
13 mart. 2009, 10:21, English

Protesters are carrying banners reading "Yes gym, yes health” and “For health, for sports". Protesters plan to submit a memo to the government, which is headquartered in the square, and then march up to the building of the Education Ministry.
New education plans for the pre-university system set that highschool students will have 30 classes per week and part of the weekly classes of physical education and foreign languages will be part of extracurricular activities.
The cut in number of classes triggered major woes among teachers who are concerned they might lose their jobs or get lesser pay.