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Romania To Hike Pwr, Diesel Oil, Gas Prices In ’08 On Higher Excise

Prices of electric power, diesel oil, fuel oil and natural gas used as heating fuel will hike in 2008 due to higher excises.
Romania To Hike Pwr, Diesel Oil, Gas Prices In ’08 On Higher Excise
28 dec. 2007, 12:59, English

Electric power excise will hike by over 30%, while natural gas excise will go up 29.4%, according to the levels established by the Fiscal Code.

Romania’s energy watchdog ANRE said last week that prices for electric power and natural gas will be maintained at the current level on Jan. 1, 2008.

But ANRE said in a statement that gas prices should have been increased significantly, and that a decision will be made in January 2008.

The excises are established at European Union level.

Excises collected in 2008 will be computed based on the exchange rate of the European Central Bank established for October 1, 2007.