Prima pagină » English » Romanian Cos To Deduct VAT On Cars Used For Passengers, Goods Transp – Off

Romanian Cos To Deduct VAT On Cars Used For Passengers, Goods Transp – Off

The value added tax (VAT) on cars purchased for both passengers and goods transportation is deductible for vehicles specifically designed for both activities, Finance Ministry secretary of state Gratiela Iordache said Monday.
Romanian Cos To Deduct VAT On Cars Used For Passengers, Goods Transp - Off
27 apr. 2009, 21:00, English

As to cars purchased in leasing, the residual value which must be paid at the end of the contract cannot be deducted, Iordache said.
Under a recent government ordinance, Romanian companies are allowed to deduct only the VAT on specific cars, such as taxis or vehicles used in driver license schools.
VAT deductibility is only possible until December 31, 2010 and it does not include vehicles meant exclusively for passenger transportation.  
As to leasing purchases, VAT deductibility is allowed for utility vehicles alone.