Two Romanians Arrested By Italian Police On Charges Of Rape
Italian authorities arrested Tuesday evening two suspects of Romanian citizenship who raped a girl in the Caffarella Park in Rome, and one of them confessed to having committed the rape, Correre della Sera reported in its online edition.
13 viewsTwo Romanians Arrested By Italian Police On Charges Of Rape
Alexandru Isztoika Loyos, 20, was found in an illegal camp in Rome and was arrested on Tuesday evening by the Primavalle police, and confessed the crime later in the night.
The other suspect, aged 30, was found later in Livorno.
A 14 year-old girl was raped Saturday, in a park in Rome, by two immigrants, and the local authorities suspected Eastern-European Romas. The girl was raped, and her boyfriend was beaten up.
The rapists took the money the two had and their mobile phones.
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