Type, Amount Of Additives Contained By Food Products To Be Signaled By Dots - Bill

Romanian democrat liberal senator Dumitru Florian Staicu drafted a normative act whereby food products will have a green, orange or red dot on their wrappers or labels, according to the type and amount of food additives they contain.


Imaginea articolului Type, Amount Of Additives Contained By Food Products To Be Signaled By Dots - Bill

Type, Amount Of Additives Contained By Food Products To Be Signaled By Dots - Bill

According to the bill, the green dot will be applied to healthy food products that can be consumed daily, the orange dot will be applied to products that must be consumed moderately and the red dot will be an indicator of substances and food additives that can have negative health effects.

Dots will have a diameter of 1.5 centimeters, says the bill.

The Health Ministry will set the criteria based upon which food products will be applied the respective dots. The main criteria are the type and the amount of additives food products contain.

The act states the law must come into effect 60 days after it is published in the Official Journal.

Staicu said the regulations he drafted are not breaching European norms and they help consumers buy food responsibly.

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