"Every single Romanian has money deducted for healthcare from his or her salary every month. I recognize there is no one perfect solution to this problem. But part of the answer must be to move away from a system in which the Government is virtually the sole provider of care, to one which creates incentives and opportunities for private doctors and clinics to offer better quality care at reasonable rates,” Taubman said.
The U.S. ambassador also said the state will always have a role to play, especially in watching out for those who cannot afford insurance or medical care on their own.
"But a government that is truly responsive to the needs of the Romanian people will recognize that the current monopoly on healthcare doesn’t serve those needs, and will have the political courage to reform the system,” Taubman said.
According to the U.S. official, “a government for the people cares about their health and longevity”.
"Sadly, Romania has a low life expectancy and high rates of disease compared to much of the EU, and in large part this is caused by a national health system which fails to deliver the quality of care Romanians need and deserve," Taubman said.