Romanian-German Co iQuest Wins Google Prize For Android Application

Publicat: 10 12. 2009, 14:20
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:37

iQuest was awarded the grand prize in the ‘Tourism application’ category of the Android Developer Challenge, a contest held yearly by Google in order to encourage software developers to create applications for its Android operating system, iQuest said Thursday in a press release.

iQuest’s winning TripJournal application enables the user to track a trip through GPS and visualize their location on Google Maps, store coordinates, notes and photographs, export the data for viewing on Google Earth and upload photos to Picasa web albums.

TripJournal will be available as of next week for the iPhone and other smartphones which use Android.

iQuest provides corporate IT services and solutions, including Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, Document and Collaboration Management, E-commerce, IT infrastructure virtualization and customized solutions.

The company’s development centers are located in Romania, in Cluj-Napoca and Brasov, its main headquarters is in Germany, in Frankfurt am Main. It also has consultancy offices in Bucharest, Budapest, Paris and Gothenburg. iQuest’s clients include companies from Germany, the United Kingdom, Romania, Switzerland, France and Sweden.