Romanian Bank Robbed At Gun Point In W Romania

Publicat: 13 02. 2009, 19:31
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:13

Cluj ambulance spokesperson Horia Simu said Friday evening that crews at the bank informed him there are two victims – the guard, who was hit with the butt of the gun, as well as with a taser, and a cashier.

The two victims have not suffered severe injuries and refused hospitalization.
Police set up a perimeter around the scene of the armed robbery.
Cluj County Police chief Ioan Pacurar said the city “is in lockdown”, and all cars are checked.
Cluj city deputy police commander Marcel Bontidean said the money was stolen from the cashier’s desk, no shots were fired and the police set up checkpoints through the entire Cluj county, to catch the two felons.
The robbers stole the equivalent of almost EUR70 million, but the sum is insured, so bank clients will not suffer losses, bank sources told MEDIAFAX.