Only four members abstained from the vote.
Popa told council members that two political blocks would remain on the political scene after the local elections in summer: the democrat liberals on the one hand, and social democrats and liberals on the other, while other parties would disappear.
Under these circumstances, conservatives should find allies to promote the legislative proposals it has, Popa added.
She said the party has talked to ruling liberals and to social democrats, but negotiations with social democrats are more advanced.
"All party leaders were mandated to continue talks with for elections in the fall, as we stand alone for local elections,” Popa said.
They conservative leader said talks with liberals didn’t yield results and cannot be resumed by the time of local elections.
"We already have a political agreement for parliamentary collaboration with PSD, and we can draft a governing program together,” Popa said, adding talks with liberals could be resumed after local elections.