„The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism has halted neither the program aimed to build homes for youngsters via ANL, nor the program for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings. The recent 10% cut in the ministry’s budget triggered a cut in budgets assigned for these programs,” the press release also reads.
As regards the program for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings, the ministry said its 2010 budget did not allow it to conclude additional home building contracts, but only to finish the 29,000 homes contracted in 2009.
To solve the issue of homes for youngsters and that of thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings, the ministry has taken a series of measures meant to offset budgets cuts, according to the press release.
Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea on Thursday said the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings will be made with loans contracted by homeowners’ associations and guaranteed by the state, with interest rates subsidized by her ministry.
Early May this year, Udrea said she plans to introduce a new thermal rehabilitation program, whereby the Government will guarantee the loans contracted by homeowners for their homes’ thermal rehabilitation. Udrea stressed at the time that „everybody is displeased” with the existing program, whereby thermal rehabilitation costs are 50% covered by the state, 30% by local authorities and 20% by homeowners.