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Romanian Purchases Via EU-Funded Projects To Be Checked Regardless Of Value – Draft

Purchases made through projects financed from European Union non-reimbursable funds will be checked by the Department Coordinating and Verifying Public Purchases, regardless of their estimated value and the way they were assigned, says a draft emergency decree drawn up by the Finance Ministry.
Romanian Purchases Via EU-Funded Projects To Be Checked Regardless Of Value – Draft
20 aug. 2010, 15:05, English

To strengthen the public procurement system, the Department will conclude protocols with competent authorities and public institutions, namely, the National Authority Regulating and Monitoring Public Purchases, the operator of the electronic public procurement system, the National Council settling contestations, management authorities, as well as with other control bodies and public institutions.

The Department currently checks, through selection, the assignment procedures financed from public funds, including non-reimbursable EU funds, namely those whose estimated value exceeds EUR100,000 for supply contracts, EUR125,000 for services contracts and EUR1,000,000 for works contracts.

The Department’s attributions to run checkups at regional level will be ensured through specialized bodies within the general departments of public finance, namely, the divisions checking public purchases. Public servants within these bodies are called observers.

The Department’s staff will benefit from salary raises of up to 75%, depending on the fulfillment of criteria set through Government Decision 595/2009, based on the same system used for the staff of other bodies in charge with the absorption of European Union funds. The European Commission said it is willing to discount salary raises of up to 75% for the Department’s staff.