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Romanian Senate Chairman Wants Pullout Calendar For Troops In Iraq

Romanian Senate chairman Mircea Geoana told MEDIAFAX Saturday that authorities need to agree with the United States and draw a calendar to pull out Romanian troops from Iraq.
Romanian Senate Chairman Wants Pullout Calendar For Troops In Iraq
28 feb. 2009, 19:27, English

"It’s clear that now, as the U.S. administration announced a calendar, it’s absolutely legitimate and Romanian authorities too must come up with a pullout calendar – of course, in agreement with the U.S. – with precise dates and considering all strategic consequences of Romanian presence in foreign operation theaters, as, most likely, pressure to increase troop presence in Afghanistan will increase,” said Geoana, who is also vice-president of Romania’s Supreme Defense Council.
Geoana said U.S. President Barack Obama’s announcement regarding the pullout of American troops from Iraq is a major shift in U.S. foreign policy and the focus will be on the civilian, diplomatic and economic aspects.
"For Romania, this is an opportunity and an obligation to shift policies and focus more on the diplomatic and civilian aspects not just in Iraq, but in the entire extended Middle East, where Romania still has a baggage of relations and diplomatic know-how," Geoana said.