Prima pagină » English » Romanian ’09 Budget Def May Be Set Above 3% Of GDP, On Econ Support Measures – PM

Romanian ’09 Budget Def May Be Set Above 3% Of GDP, On Econ Support Measures – PM

Romania's 2009 budget draft has to be revised to include economic support measures and a hike in investment expenses, that could push the budget deficit above the 3% Maastricht limit of the gross domestic product, or GDP, Romania’s Pime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu said Friday.
Romanian '09 Budget Def May Be Set Above 3% Of GDP, On Econ Support Measures - PM
12 dec. 2008, 15:50, English

Romania’s Government adopted in November the 2009 budget draft, but it is pending Parliament approval. The current draft aims for a 2% budget deficit target.

The budget deficit target could be exceeded by supplementing expenses for investment projects, and not for consumption, Tariceanu said, in a press conference after the European Council reunion in Brussels.

The prime minister added that he agreed on the matter with the country’s president, Traian Basescu, who also attended the press conference.