No. Of Romanian Business Owners In Italy Rose Nearly Ten Times In 2003- 2009 Interval
According to the report, 28,580 Romanians were running their own businesses in Italy at mid-2009, as they set up over 9,000 companies in 2007 alone. This trend also maintained in 2008, considering that Romanian nationals already owned 2,909 companies back in 2003.
The report indicates that most Romanians manage to run their own businesses only after having worked for various companies for several years. Romanians use the money they save in order to set up a business and they usually avoid getting loans.
The fields in which Romanians set up their own businesses are constructions (80.5%), trade (5.5%), manufacturing industry (4.9%) and transport (2.1%).
The report also shows that Romanians, like other foreign communities, respond to the demand on the Italian labor market and don’t pursue their own „professional vocations.”
Romanians, in particular, are highly appreciated in constructions because they observe the rules and regulations that govern this sector, which implies certain mobility, according to the report.
Also, immigrants account for two thirds of the workforce demand in Italy and Romanians held the top spot in the 2005 – 2008 interval, as the number of Romanian employees tripled to 674,000 from 245,000.
The number of men in the Romanian community in Italy prevailed and reached 53.2% in 2008, compared to 51.7% in 2006, and 70,000 of them worked in the construction sector, despite a lower number of working hours and an increase in the number of part-time jobs, which points to the spreading of black labor market. Centralized data also indicate that at least a quarter of Romanian women work in the field of family assistance.
The initiators of the report estimate the number of Romanian nationals living in Italy tops one million. Early 2010, 953,000 Romanian were registered as residents in Italy and nearly 55,000 Romanians were registered on waiting lists for residency papers.