Romanian PM In Talks With Ministers To Cut Number Of Govt Agencies
The prime minister said Wednesday that he would meet with each minister coordinating government structures and agencies on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to have the number of agencies cut by mid-August.
Boc also said revenues of government agencies would go to the state budget and the salary fund would be set by the government, to bring down to decent levels the wages of drivers and managers in such institutions that currently range between 4,100 and 17,600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2038).
A government document obtained by MEDIAFAX end last year indicated managers of government agencies earned RON4,375 to RON13,838 a month in January-September 2008, including different bonuses, while archivists, cashiers and drivers of these institutions earned up to RON3,517 a month in the same period.
The government also considers merging the country’s National Statistics Institute with the National Prognosis Commission and to integrate research institutes within the Ministry of Economy into only two structures for energy and industry, to cut back in the number of state agencies, sources close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Monday.
The government also plans to merge the National Authority for the Protection of Child’s Rights with the National Agency for Family Protection and to close the authorities for labor and social protection, whose attributions would be taken over by Societăţii Naţionale de Îmbunătăţiri Funciare la Autoritatea pentru the National Agency for Social Performance.
The National Agency for Equal Chances would be transferred to the Government’s General Secretariat, which also coordinates the Department for Interethnic Relations.
The government also made proposals to reduce the number of institutions in agriculture and transfer several institutions to the privatization authority AVAS, the sources also said.