In the first four months of 2008, the budget recorded a surplus of 1.07 billion lei (EUR1-RON 3.6629) in nominal terms, or 0.2% of GDP, compared with 0.34% of GDP during the same period a year ago.
In 2007, Romania ran a consolidated budget deficit of 2.53% of gross domestic product, calculated according to European Union methods, and 2.33% of GDP, calculated according to Romanian methods.
In its most recent budget revision, the Romanian government has lowered the country’s budget deficit ceiling to 2.3% of gross domestic product from 2.7% of GDP to keep it in line with European Union requirements.
The Romanian Government will operate another revision between July 1 and September 1, targeting the state and social state insurance budgets.
For 2008, the Romanian government is targeting a budget deficit of 2.3% of GDP. The European Union has warned it may launch an excessive deficit procedure against Romania as the 2008 deficit is likely to exceed the E.U. limit of 3% of GDP.