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Top Anticorruption Agency Requests Dismissal Of Controversial Ploiesti Prosecutor

The interim chief of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Calin Nistor, requested on Thursday the dismissal of controversial DNA Ploiesti prosecutor Lucian Onea and of other three prosecutors from the territorial structure
Top Anticorruption Agency Requests Dismissal Of Controversial Ploiesti Prosecutor
Ionut Preda
10 ian. 2019, 15:54, English

The request was sent to the Prosecutors’ Section of Romania’s top judicial watchdog CSM.

Alongisde Onea, prosecutors Giluela Deaconu, Virgiliu Savu and Elena Raileanu have also been proposed for dismissal.

Lucian Onea and fromer DNA Ploiesti prosecutor Mircea Negulescu are at the center of a scandal regarding claims of evidence falsification within the agency’s local branch.

Former MP Vlad Cosma accused in early 2018 that the two coerced him into filing a denouncement against a fictitious Moldovan citizen, and also made him forge a list allegedly showing Moldovan voters who received electoral bribes. He said that the two prosecutors threatened him with launching a criminal case against his sister, current social-democrat MP Andreea Cosma.

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader later cited the accusations as the main reason for his proposal to dismiss former DNA chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi. The case is currently investigated by the country’s General Prosecutor’s Office.