Romanian Cos To Pay Turnover-Based Lump-Sum Tax Of Up To EUR10,000 – Fin Min
"We also considered the proposals we received for the lump-sum tax from the business environment," Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea told MEDIAFAX on Thursday.
The companies that report losses will have to pay a lump-sum tax based on their turnover, while the companies registering a profit will pay the annual tax of 16% of their profit, but no less than the minimum limit due to the value of their turnover.
Thus, the companies posting annual turnover up to EUR12,000 would pay a EUR500 annual fixed tax, those with a turnover between EUR12,000 and EUR50,000 would pay EUR1,000, and those with a turnover between EUR50,000 and EUR100,000 should pay a EUR1,500 lump-sum tax.
The employers also proposed a tax of EUR2,000 for the companies posting between EUR100,000 and EUR1 million turnover, and a EUR2,500 tax for the companies with a turnover by up to EUR5 million. The companies with a turnover between EUR5 million and EUR30 million will pay EUR5,000 annualy.
"The maximum ceiling is at EUR10,000 to be paid by companies with more than EUR30 million turnover," Pogea also said.
Initially, the Government planed to introduce an annual tax of 0.5% of the revenues posted by companies that activate in certain domains, but no less than 6,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1648) per year.