Justice Minister: Venice Commission Recommends Abolishing Early Retirement For Magistrates

Publicat: 19 10. 2018, 14:31
Actualizat: 28 04. 2020, 08:17

“The CV (Venice Commission, ed.) review retains the temporary solution on the problem of magistrate retirement, through delaying the enactment of this legal solution. It recommends the abolishment of this solution. The emergency decree on judicial bills will be formally sent to the CV for review,” Toader posted on his official Facebook page.

One of the recently enacted judicial bills allows magistrates to retire after only twenty years of activity, but an emergency decree passed last week delayed the enactment of this measure until the end of 2019.

The Venice Commission also recommended abolishing the measure in July, in a preliminary review of the bills, arguing that it would lead to a severe depopulation of the Romanian judicial system.

Minister Toader is attending a meeting with the Commission on Friday, with the institution set to issue a final opinion on the three recently enacted judicial bills, and a review of other bills pushed by the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition amending the country’s criminal codes.