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Romanian Fixed Telephony Op Romtelecom To Change Number Format

Calls to and from Romanian telephone company Romtelecom will be dialed, starting with May 3, using ten digits, and will include the national prefix, the geographic area code and the local number, for all calls, national and local.
Romanian Fixed Telephony Op Romtelecom To Change Number Format
21 apr. 2008, 19:04, English

At the end of 2007, Romtelecom managed at least three million telephone lines.

Currently, Romtelecom users are called in the network using a six digit local number outside Bucharest, and seven digit number in Bucharest.
In other fixed telephony service networks, clients can only be called through the national ten digit telephone number.

The transition to the new format of the numbers will be performed in two stages.

Thus, between May 3 and July 31, 2008, the clients will be reachable through both, new format and old format, numbers, while subscribers will be notified regarding the number format changes.

Between August 1 and September 30, 2008, clients will be notified on the changes in format, but calls using the old format will no longer be routed towards the destination.

With the changes of format in Romtelecom numbers, short numbers will also be different.

Thus, the National Numbering Plan (PNN) states the difference between numbers for services of public interest on a national level (phone service, information services, the exact time and others) and numbers for the supply of general interest services on a county level (gendarmerie, taxi and others) through adding the digit 1 before the current number (for the first category of services), respectively the area code (for the latter category).

For example, in order to call the “exact time” service, the client will dial 1958 instead of the currently used 958, while if the client wants to call “consumer protection” in Constanta county, they will dial 0241980, instead of 980.

The 112 single number for emergency calls will remain unchanged.