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Romania’s Lower Chamber Defense Committee Wants To Maintain Current Legislation On Military Pensions

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies defense committee approved the pension bill Wednesday, including one amendment which maintains the provisions of current legislation for the defense, public order and national security system.
Romania’s Lower Chamber Defense Committee Wants To Maintain Current Legislation On Military Pensions
26 mai 2010, 19:35, English

National minority MP group representative Nicolae Mircovici submitted the amendment, which was approved by the majority of committee members.

Mircovici told MEDIAFAX that the new, contribution-based pension system does not apply to military and police pensions, as they are, in fact, occupational pensions. „The amendments seek to maintain current legislation”, said the deputy.

According to Mircovici, if the amendments are approved by the Chamber’s labor committee and then by the plenary assembly, the occupational nature of military pensions will be acknowledged, and the current legislation maintained.

Mircovici said his initiative was supported by liberal, social democrat and Hungarian minority deputies, and even by several democrat liberals.

Liberal deputy George Scutaru told MEDIAFAX he hopes the lower chamber’s plenary ballot will acknowledge the special status of military pensions.

The labor and social protection committee will decide upon the bill’s definitive form and submit it for approval by the plenary assembly.

The pension bill was tacitly approved by the Senate last year, but the Chamber of Deputies will take the final decision.

In April, Romania’s Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea said that military pensions would take a 19% to 69% cutback if the unitary pension system comes into force.