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Romania 2010 Exports Post Fourth Largest Increase In EU

Romania posted last year the fourth largest increase in exports and the ninth greatest increase in imports in the European Union, EU's statistics office Eurostat said Friday.
Romania 2010 Exports Post Fourth Largest Increase In EU

Romania’s exports, within and outside the EU, widened 28% on the year, to EUR37.3 billion. Imports increased by 20%, to EUR46.8 billion, Eurostat data showed.

The greatest growth in exports was registered by Estonia, with 35%, followed by Bulgaria and Lithuania, each with 33%. The bottom positions were taken by Luxemburg with a 2% decline and Ireland with a 6% increase.

The greatest increase in imports was registered by Lithuania, with 34%, followed by Sweden with 30% and Estonia with 27%. Greece was the only EU state where imports declined (21%) while in Ireland imports stagnated.

Eurostat mentions that EU’s main exports, such as food, raw materials, chemicals, energy, vehicles and machinery, widened by 23% in the timeframe analyzed, while imports rose by 24%.

The EU’s greatest exporters are Germany, with EUR957.1 billion, the Netherlands with EUR432.1 billion and France with EUR393 billion.

The top importers are Germany, with EUR804.7 billion, France, with EUR457.1 billion and the United Kingdom with EUR421.5 billion.