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Romanain Parliament Bans Fast-Foods In Schools

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies enacted Tuesday a legislative initiative stating that state and private schools are not allowed to prepare, sell and distribute food that is inadequate for pupils and school children.
Romanain Parliament Bans Fast-Foods In Schools
13 mai 2008, 15:47, English

The legislative proposition, initiated by deputies from several parties, is called "draft law for healthy eating in schools" and was enacted with 186 pros, no cons and three abstentions.

According to the normative act, the Ministry of Health will create and update a list of foods not adequate for school children, with the advice of nutrition specialists. School inspectorates will take this list and distribute it among schools.

The draft normative act also mentions that inadequate foods include the ones with additional fat, sugar, sweeteners, food additives and foods that damage health.

Menus served in school cafeterias will be approved by Ministry of Health authorized nutrition specialists.

Most members of parliament supported this legislative initiative. According to them, the selling of fast-food in schoolyard stores makes the children come down with diabetes, obesity and cardio-vascular illnesses.

The draft law was also approved by the Senate, and the Chamber is the decision maker in the matter.