Imports of Russian Gas To Romania Still 30% Lower – Transgaz

Publicat: 05 01. 2009, 13:04
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:11

"Gas imports continue to be 30% lower, as we announced they would be by January 11," Transgaz general manager Ioan Rusu told Mediafax.

Russian gas giant Gazprom announced Friday the gas supplies to Romania will be reduced by January 11, while Romania’s Economy Ministry Adriean Videanu said the gas supply issue to the country’s consumers is under control.

Russia provides one third of Romania’s annual gas consumption.

Romania’s daily gas consumption is 58.5 million cubic meters, out of which 33 million cubic meters come from Romania’s gas producer Romgaz Medias, oil company Petrom and other local companies.

Ukraine and Russia are in a dispute over gas prices and debts, which led to Gazprom switching off supplies to Ukraine as of January 1.

Around 80% of the Russian gas exported by Gazprom to European Union countries transits Ukraine.