Romanian PM Says Govt Not Considering Cabinet Reshuffle

Publicat: 05 10. 2011, 14:28
Actualizat: 07 11. 2012, 07:56

„The Government and the president have started no institutional Cabinet reshuffling procedures,” said the prime minister.

The Governemnt said Tuesday the head of state and the prime minister have started no institutional procedures for a Cabinet reshuffle and that this subject is „outdated”.

Some democrat liberal leaders, as well as President Traian Basescu, have been referring lately to a likely minister reshuffle.

Valeriu Tabara (Agriculture Ministry), Ion Ariton (Economy), Gheorghe Ialomitianu (Finance) and Teodor Baconschi (Foreign Affairs) are among the ministers rumored to be considered for replacement.

Deputy Prime Minister Marko Bela told RFI Wednesday he sees no reason why the Cabinet should undergo reshuffling.