Romania’s Population Decreased By 502 People In September
In September, Romania registered 18,482 alive newborns, 1,860 fewer than in August, and 18,984 deceased, 1,534 fewer than in August.
The negative natural growth, which is the surplus of deceased compared to the surplus of newborns, triggered a decrease in population by 502 people in September. The decrease in August was of 176 people, the statistics institute said.
Romania reported 15,901 marriages in September, down by 5,596 compared to the previous month, and registered 1,971 divorces, 922 less than in August.
Compared to September 2009, the number of alive newborns was lower by 1,709 and the number of deceased was higher by 588.
In September 2009, Romania’s population had increased by 1,795 people.