“I think the moratorium (imposed on Romanian citizens on the Spanish labor market – e.n.) is a mistake because it fuels illegal labor and creates a situation where most Romanians can’t find legal job. And the worst thing is, Romanian citizens don’t feel they are treated like European citizens,” Basescu told El Pais.
Without a moratorium, the Romanian and Spanish governments would be able to know exactly how many Romanians are in Spain and could set joint policies to avoid problems, Basescu said, adding that illegal Romanian workers risk turning into a ticking time bomb.
Asked whether he thinks Romanian immigrants risk finding themselves in a situation similar to that in Italy, the president said that would be undesirable and such a situation could be avoided by first eliminating the moratorium.
Basescu also said there is a stringent need for improvement in the image of Romanians abroad, as their current portrayal does not do them justice.
“Romanians are modest, hard working and honest. Ask any Spanish businessman. Nobody, be it journalists or authorities, has the right to judge the Romanian people based on crimes. Every country has its criminals,” Basescu said.
Asked whether he is happy with where the country is one year after its accession to the European Union, the Romanian head of state said the country used very little of the community funds it received and it still has trouble meeting requirements in the agriculture sector.
“But that’s not new. It happened to countries that joined the EU before us,” he added.
Asked to say what is more important, being in the EU or in NATO, Basescu said “Romania is 100% a European country”.
“Romania, beyond its status as a member of NATO, felt the need to make an alliance with the United States. In 2005, we agreed to host US military bases in out country. This collaboration entails a security element on EU’s eastern border that benefits the entire Union. So don’t ask us whether we are good Europeans, because we are a European country, but where there is no security, there is no prosperity either. It’s simple,” Basescu explained.