Orban, about the magistrates’ complaints: We are ready to correct any decision of CCR

Publicat: 28 01. 2020, 17:02
Actualizat: 28 01. 2020, 17:04

„Now we have a draft law initiated by PNL and if it is adopted it will decide to cut special pensions, such as the pensions of the parliamentarians, of several categories, from different institutions of parliamentary subordination. As for the magistrates, of course, the law can be subject to constitutional control and the CCR will decide whether it is constitutional or not”, has said prime minister Ludovic Orban, on Tuesday, about the dissatisfaction of the magistrates.

He has also said that PNL is ready to „correct” any Constitutional Court (CCR) decision and „certain provisions that were not part of the initial draft submitted by PNL and have been introduced through PSD amendments”.

„I think that almost all or even all the special pensions were introduced by law by the PSD majorities. There are champions in special pension initiatives, such as Florn Iordache, who has signed four legislative proposals on pensions calculated differently”, added Orban.

The prime minister has said that he listened to the arguments presented by the SCM and the representatives of the Clerk’s Union.

„Each category has its own arguments, they say that the right to an occupational type pension that has a different degree of salary inclusion by the pension is due, in large part, to the restrictions they have throughout their career, because they are not allowed to do nothing else than their teaching career, otherwise they are not allowed to do any activity and this restricts their activity”, he said.

Orban added that a larger process is needed, which involves debate in society and analysis on working groups, in order to solve the problems of inequity.

„I told them clearly that we are open to discussions on this topic, in which we take into account the situation of each socio-professional category, but we believe that there is a need for a broad debate, in society, of working groups that will make an extremely detailed analysis, serious, as provided in our program of government, the pension system in the country, precisely with the aim of eliminating discrimination, inequities, unequal cuts of the different socio-professional categories that benefit from pensions”, he motivated.

The Supreme Council of the Magistracy specifies that the elimination of the pensions of the magistrates affects their independence and status and asks the Parliament to give up these legislative initiatives. The Council transmits that it is open for dialogue.

The president of the National Union of the Judicial Registry, Cătălin Trăistaru, said that the prime minister informed them that he knew about the clerks’ protests, and the project to repeal the service pensions is not the Government’s.

Special pensions for several categories are to be eliminated, after the Chamber of Deputies adopted a draft law on Tuesday in this regard. The categories include parliamentarians, magistrates and civil servants with special status, with the exception of the military and police.