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Romanians In Spain Need To Worry About Swine Flu – Association

Romanians who reside in Spain are in danger of becoming infected with the swine flu even if they do not travel abroad, as the Spanish authorities already confirmed ten cases of swine flu, the Federation of Romanian Associations in Europe (FADERE) said Thursday.
Romanians In Spain Need To Worry About Swine Flu - Association
30 apr. 2009, 19:53, English

Spain’s Health Ministry confirmed ten cases of swine flu in the country, while 70 more patients are suspected of having the disease, FADERE said in a statement.
“It is very important that the members of Romanian communities are aware of the risks they expose themselves to and of the modalities to prevent getting ill,” the statement noted.
The citizens are advised to avoid crowded spaces, to wear protective masks, have a good personal hygiene and see the doctor at the first symptoms (which include muscle fever, high temperature, sore throat and cough).
Romanian health officials on Thursday called on all citizens who have been traveling to countries affected by the novel virus and who experience high fever and respiratory problems to go to a hospital immediately.
The officials met to analyze the latest global epidemiologic data on the swine flu, as the World Health Organization (WHO) took the alert level to 5. 
Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac attended a meeting of European ministers in Luxembourg on Thursday on the swine flu development.