Romanian Senator, Theater Manager Mircea Diaconu Incompatible With Public Office – Integrity Agency
According to the agency, Diaconu has been a senator since December 19, 2008, and has been holding this position simultaneously with that of manager of the „Nottara” theater.
ANI, which screens the wealth and statements of interests of people holding public office, cited article 71 of the Constitution which states that the position of lawmaker is incompatible with any other public office, except that of member of the Government.
The agency said it addressed Diaconu a letter on December 7, 2010, informing him that his situation would be evaluated. According to ANI, the letter returned to the agency on December 27, 2010 with the mention „recipient not home”.
Diaconu’s state of incompatibility might either entail his dismissal or disciplinary sanctions according to the norms regulating public office and activities, said ANI.