Vodafone Romania on Thursday said will offer in-flight mobile phone services aboard Emirates Airline and Malaysian Airlines flights, following a roaming deal with Telenor Mobile Aviation AS (TMA).
Vodafone customers will be able to make and receive phone calls via AeroMobile network after the planes reach cruise altitude, the Romanian unit of British mobile telephony giant Vodafone said in a statement.
In-flight roaming tariffs are set to EUR2.65 per minute, plus a EUR0.63 connection fee for each phone call made, Vodafone Romania said.
For calls received, tariffs vary according to subscription/card type.
Vodafone offers in-flight mobile phone services aboard of 23 flights of air carriers Emirates Airline and Malaysian Airlines, in Europe, Asia and Australia.
Additional destinations will be available following further agreements with airliners, Vodafone said.
Vodafone is the second-largest mobile telecom operator in Romania, with 9.516 million customers reported end-September.
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